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Dromore Road Primary School, Warrenpoint
St Patrick's Day School closed on Monday 17th March 
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2016/2017 School Year

1st Jun 2017
Today Mrs Mc Grath's class travelled to Kilkeel to visit Seascope and the Nautilus...
31st May 2017
Primary 4 children were using 2D shapes to investigate which shapes tessellate and...
31st May 2017
Years 4/5/6 made the most of the good weather today and went outside for some activity...
31st May 2017
Children from Mrs Newell's class travelled to St. Bronagh's P.S today for the 5th...
25th May 2017
Well done to Primary six and seven for all their hard work towards the Fun Day today!...
24th May 2017
What fun we had today playing in the sun.  We all love our outdoor play equipment!...
24th May 2017
We made birdfeeders for the birds today. Then we hung them in our school garden.
22nd May 2017
Today, P6/7 made their own special blend of fruit juice by creating a recipe! ...